Yes! Your Pets Can Share in Your Thanksgiving Celebration

You see the warnings every Thanksgiving about what not to feed your pets. “Your pets can’t have this!” “Keep your pets away from that” We’d bet we’re not the only ones who are sooooo tired of seeing these warnings around Thanksgiving and other holidays. Don’t get us wrong. It’s absolutely important to keep your pet safe – not just during the holidays, but always.

But you love your pet. In fact, he or she is one of the things you’re thankful for. So we understand the desire to share your holiday bounty with them. Not only do we support that instinct…we’re going to help you indulge it, SAFELY.

Here’s What’s Safe for Pets

Responsible owners know that poultry bones, chocolate, onions, and garlic are on the Naughty list for pets. So are some foods you might not have thought of – nuts, bread dough, and alcohol. But there are plenty of foods on your holiday table that are just fine for Fido and Fluffy in the right amounts.

Safe foods include:

  • Roast turkey (no skin)
  • Roasted, baked, or boiled sweet potatoes (peeled; no butter or seasoning)
  • Pumpkin (flesh only roasted or baked with no butter or seasoning; canned pureed pumpkin – not pumpkin pie mix)
  • Apples
  • Bite-sized carrots
  • Steamed green beans (no butter or seasoning)
  • Brown or wild rice (no butter or seasoning)

Portion Control is Key

Just as with humans, too much of a good thing is too much. Regardless of where the calories are coming from – their regular food or a holiday meal – it’s important to keep calories in mind. These references from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association are a good reference for adult animals in good health and at an appropriate weight:

If your pet is over- or under-weight or has health issues, calorie needs will differ, and certain foods may be off limits. In these cases, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

Thanksgiving Recipes for Pets

The folks at PetPlan have put together a complete “Mutt’s Menu” with recipes to appeal to both dogs and cats. They include:

  • Pumpkin Smoothies (13 cal/serving)
  • Paws-Itively Peanutty Crudites (122 cal/serving)
  • Simple “Sorbet” (5-9 cal/serving)
  • Roasted Turkey Medalliions (17 cal/serving)
  • Sweet Potato Cookies (14 cal/serving)

At Entirely Pets, they offer “5 Delicious Thanksgiving Pet Recipes,” including:

  • Mini Muttballs
  • Turkey Treats
  • Puppy Meatloaf
  • SassyKat’s Special Dinner
  • Kitty Catnip Cookies

And if you still need pet holiday meal inspiration, check out the American Kennel Club and its “Easy-to-Make Pumpkin Recipes for Dogs”:

  • Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Treats
  • Pumpkin Puppy Muffins
  • Pumpkin Cookies

Ask Your Vet About Pet Nutrition

Proper pet nutrition is the cornerstone of healthy living for our furry friends. Your pets depend on you to make the right nutrition choices for them. Your vet is your best source of information, because he or she has the most knowledge about your pet’s health and medical conditions.

About Liberty Animal Hospital

Aris Atakem, DVM is the owner of Liberty Animal Hospital in Westminster, CO. He has worked in private practice since 2011 as an associate veterinarian, a mobile vet, and an emergency vet. He founded Liberty Animal Hospital in 2016. Dr. Atakem has both deep and broad experience in veterinary medicine, and has particular interest in orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries (including laparoscopic surgeries), arthritis, and obesity. He treats every pet he cares for as his own and is driven by the desire to contribute to human and animal wellbeing.

Do you have questions or concerns about pet nutrition? Or do you need a great local vet for your cherished companions? Schedule an appointment with Liberty Animal Hospital by calling us directly at (720) 306-9900 or using our online appointment request form.