End of LifeYou have taken wonderful care of your furry friends for many years. While we strive to provide various treatments for various medical conditions that may come their way, sometimes we have no cure. We have no cure for old age. We have no cure for some types of cancer. Depending on the circumstances, it may not make sense to treat some medical conditions. If you have questions or if you are uncertain when that time comes around, we are here for you.

5 signs that may indicate that it is time to say good-bye:

  • Incurable disease such as cancer.
  • Old age, multiple illnesses
  • Illness non-responsive to medical treatment
  • Painful condition non-responsive to pain management
  • Human-animal bond irreversibly broken or lack or normal interaction with your pet

Euthanasia: What to do next?

You have had an incredible relationship with your pets, and whether we have had the chance to get to know them or not, we would be honored to assist you when it’s time to say goodbye. We do our best to make euthanasia peaceful, painless, and memorable. If we have an established diagnosis, that will make things a lot easier. If we don’t, we will typically recommend doing the minimum diagnostics that are necessary to document the medical condition(s) that your pet might be suffering from. Based on those data, the proper advice will be provided as to what the best course of options might be. You will have the time to think through our recommendations and make a decision that works best for you and your beloved pet. Please feel free to call us for more information, or contact us online.